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Nine Lives
April 24th, 7PM CET
Stop wasting time. You have so much to offer.
You are in the midst of your career, you started out great, with a great job, a nice salary and you've collected a group of people around you which you can level with.
Others remember you from 10 years ago when you were the life of the party during network events and people saw you as the expert in your field.
But for the past few years, you've noticed that you're in a rut and always walking in the same circles, you've reached a plateau.
The jobs you're applying for are in line with what you've always done, but not what you actually WANT to do.
You believe there's more to life than just that same old, same old career, but it feels like it's going to take a lot of hard work and convincing to get what should actually be yours.
You want to get back into the energy you had in the beginning of your career, taking leaps & growing fast.
But you're tired, you don't want to start over, but you want to BUILD from what you have.
* How can you make sure you will jump in your career?
* How can you make sure you are fulfilling your purpose in your career?
* How can you inspire people like you did right at the beginning of your career?
You want to find a job where you are feeling appreciated, getting paid a fair amount of money and where you are fulfilling your purpose.
Is this even possible?
Because most people around you are not very happy in their jobs and you don't believe it works for you
The solution does not lie in conversations with friends, the solution is not in learning a completely new skill without knowing if this is really something you want or really good at.
During the FREE masterclass Nine Lives, I share with you how you can
utilize your full potential
in your current job or look for something new in your life that lets you shine completely.

Who is Sarah Berckenkamp?
In 1 year I have grown into the Business Coach for freelancers.
Last year I helped 100 clients to make their businesses more scalable and profitable than ever before and something I did not expect was that my clients, in addition to achieving better business results, have become much happier.
I don't want to limit this result to just entrepreneurs, I want to help you too.
As a former interim manager and politician I've worked with many different groups of people and I feel like everyone from all backgrounds deserve to unlock their full potential in their jobs/careers or maybe even new businesses.
I share with you my tactics that I have used from a young age to keep climbing in my potential (so not necessarily the career ladder, but your own ladder).
Life is too short to get stuck in something that doesn't give you energy.
I have embodied these steps myself, I was a real job hopper, because I was always looking for the next thing.
Now I have finally found what I wanted to do and actually wanted for a long time, but never dared.
And this is because I never knew that I COULD do it, I was very insecure about my ability to help people.
I'm not going to give you silly tips that don't help you, but I'm really going to help you dig deep into: what is it that I want?
In this I really distinguish myself from other coaches: I have helped hundreds of employees in organizations do this and now I'm going to teach you too – for free.
The tips I share with you can be implemented and executed immediately.
In this one-time masterclass I share with you:
My search for what I really wanted to do: coaching
How you can apply this to your own life and career
What tools you can use to laser focus on what you are good at
How to be successful if you are overflowing with ideas but never execute them
How my clients have become happier by implementing my method in their lives and businesses.
Join me in this Free Masterclass to discover what you are born to do!

Don't waste your time on:
- Read books on a new skill you're not sure you will like;
- Tiresome conversation with friends
- Reading the newspaper & listen to the news on how bad the job market is right now
- No more cups of coffee with people who you believe can help you
If you want to change the line of your story, you have to put in the work.
The solution is right within you.
In what you like to do, in discovering what you actually really like.
You have to play bigger
In Nine Lives I'm helping you with:
- Deciding on which direction you should take in your career
- Finding back that energy you once had for your job
- Creating a laser focus in your career, which you can work on effortlessly

What I am seeing is that people are giving up, once they're disappointed in their jobs.
And they're saying to me; I am not as ambitious as you are, Sarah.
But is that really the case?
Is there maybe another way for you? Have you really tried everything to go happy to your job?
I want to find out what works for YOU.
It matters that you claim your WAY instead of what others, who have no idea what you are about, tell you what to do.
It is your life, it is your choice to change it, it is your choice to focus on what you desire. You are allowed to do it.
Reviews from the first masterclass:
"Really great first steps for my next career move"
"I really feel like working again, even though I'm recovering from my burn-out"
"I loved seeing what others have done with their careers and that it's never too late to change your path"
"I finally saw the value in saying out loud what I desired"

My observation from the first masterclass:
This free masterclass on April 24th is for:
- People who are stuck in their career
- People who have recently had a burn-out and want to get back in the saddle
- People who believe that they have much more to offer than they've done in recent years
- People who are open for a change in their mindset
- People who have had enough of listening to a boss who has no idea what they're talking about
- People who want to live up to their full potential
- People who run a side-business and consider making it a full time business
- People who don't ever want to run a business
- Experienced entrepeneurs are very welcome, but the focus lies on the group mentioned above 🙂
In this 1-hour Masterclass I am helping you with actionable steps to start re-shaping your career. Join now on April 24th, 7 PM CET
