#048 Looking back & Goal Setting 2023

If you've followed the news, you know what kind of year it's been.

We all thought covid was right behind us, whilst in some parts of the world the virus is still circulating and meanwhile there were some other crises knocking on our doors…

And whilst I believe it's important to follow what goes on in the world, I invite you to not only watch the headlines, but create your own headlines for your life and business.

Your very own Wrapped <3.

In this week's episode we're taking some time to look back at your year and I have some very fun exercises waiting for you on how to ‘work' whilst having a lot of fun & how to prepare for the new year.

And because it's the end of the year and my podcast producer and myself really enjoy Christmas, we added some Christmas bells here and there, so that you can also lift your own spirits (or drink them), whilst making your plans.

Enjoy listening.

invest to harvest!

Big business

Do you want to take charge of your (freelance) business and be in control of your revenue, clients and your offer? 

You are in control of your business. 

I’ve created a form in which we can see if you are going to be a fit for one of my programs. Filling this out won’t mean you have to buy, this is just seeing if we can work together.

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