Why is it that other business owners always get asked for certain projects? Why is that coach always fully booked? You know that feeling of jealousy? It's not a bad thing, it just means you have competition and you should define your own success. How, you ask? Let me explain!
You need a strong personal brand and let people believe your niche authority! You can't just go by your good name in your industry and don't have the knowledge, capability and experience. That is what will attract your clients.
Spoiler alert: You are more capable than you think. But any of us can use a little help from time to time. Get a free copy of my Networking Bible with 7 actionable tools to broaden your network right here.
Just a little preview of what to do to become Captain of Business? Don’t mind if I do!
Tap into your network
Ask people to make you more visible. You have a whole network of ex-colleagues, previous partners and clients waiting for you.
Start with the world you already know and expand it. Reach out to the people you know, they are more than happy to do you a favor.
Improve your visibility
Show up consistently. Choose the platform of your choice (Linkedin , Instagram, Email, …) and start giving value.
Don't give your existing network the chance to forget you.
You bring a lot to the table and you can share it by:
- Sending out newsletters
- Showing your face on social media
- Attending network events
Gain trust
Don’t only sell your offer, gain the trust of your network.
Giving free value and being consistent will get you a loyal following and they can potentially become your new clients.
Be honest: When you’re buying something, you’re checking reviews, right?
Don’t forget to ask for experiences from happy clients. Let others sell your offer!
Test your knowledge
Test you offer by running it by your family and friends. They will often see something you don’t. Their feedback is enormously valuable, because it means you can tweak and better you offer for your clients.
Become a keynote speaker
Subscribe to a speaker website or put in your bio that you are open to speaking invitations. There’s no faster way to learn about your networking skills than by speaking for an audience.
Getting to know people is scary! But once people see you, you will undoubtedly pick the fruits of your labor.
I was a keynote speaker for voters rights for women, and through that I became a niche authority. The benefits in my opinion?
- You learn how to hold your cool
- You get to know the questions that live amongst your audience
- You broaden your network (fast forward to the next chapter)
Broaden your network
Don’t lay back and relax! Growth is the way to go. You need to keep on pursuing an ever-growing network. It will ensure a continuous client stream into your business.
Test, test, test!
It’s a learning process for all of us! Don’t be too hard on yourself. By testing what works, and even more importantly; what doesn’t, you are always one step ahead.
Talking about getting that head start, I may be able to help you with that.
I’m letting one of my clients speak for once:
“Most self-proclaimed coaches succeed to get on my last nerves. But today I had a coaching session with Sarah Berckenkamp and she is honestly just awesome! Questions like: How to run you business? How to set goals? How to make the right choices? She answers it all! As a small business owner you are thrown in the deep when it comes to entrepreneurship. Sarah’s coaching session was GOLD!”
Do you want that too? Then my Big Business Course that starts on the 14th of March is what you need.
You get:
1. A very extensive video training that will bring you step by step to your new offer (value €4500,-).
2. Many templates to get you started (value €1499,-)
3. Monthly private coaching calls with Sarah (€1497,-)
4. Daily Voxer access for three months (mon-fri) with Sarah (€1497,-)
5. Bonus Kick-Off call to get you started right! (€299,-)
Subscribe in time for the start on the 7th of March! Click here for your very own spot to success.
Quote of the day
Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it
– Maya Angelou