What nobody is doing this summer….

The summer is here!
Usually a time for most people to wind down, but what if you decided that this summer is going to be a fun opportunity to see what else is there

For this week's newsletter, I'm sharing how I've changed my perspective on the summer-time 2 years ago and how it helped me shift the energy in my business and of course, how it can help you too.

It's helped me change the way I look at working entirely.
I was struggling with rushing at work and in my business every week, then have weekends off to finally rest and then go back to working again.
Honestly, I never felt relaxed and/or good.

Take that summer heat and turn it into something beautiful

I know there's this incredible luxury for me to figure out what works and what not, as you may remember, I turned my 8 or sometimes 12-hour workdays into 6-hour workdays last year.

Find out about how you can turn to 6-hour workdays as well through here.

And so another thing I've experimented with for about 2 years is that I'm being very productive in the summer and I am not working ‘towards' my time-off or holidays anymore, because it always feels like having time off during my work weeks too.

So for example: currently I'm writing this newsletter from Schenectady in Upstate New York, which means I'm working, but it doesn't feel like working.

My clients can contact me during my holiday (when they're in a high-touch container) and even with my exclusive program, the Big Business Club, I'm hosting calls once a week with them to help them stay on track, I just hosted one this morning.

And the thing is, it doesn't matter to me, it doesn't feel like working to me, because it is exactly what I'm good at and what I love to do.

I know most people would think: yeah you're just doing overtime in your holiday, but it doesn't feel like that at all. It's my business and I'm doing it my way.

And so with working 4 days a week6 hours a day and always taking weekends off from work, I am experimenting which is the best business model for me.

Yes, business model, because time and health is way more valuable than money, to me.

So my question for you today is: what if you're taking this summer to see what works best for you? Most businesses are less active in the summer, what if you took the time to work ON your business this summer?
And then, once you decided to work on this:
What would your holidays look like?
What would your work weeks look like?
What would your weekends look like?

You are in charge of your business.

This email is to inspire you to take this summer to think about what your business could look like. If I can do it, you can do it too! And so I have a surprise for you:

In this week's podcast

To help you reach your summer of ‘how' in your business, I've create a program last year called ‘Your Summer Reset‘ – and you are receiving the first episode for free, you can find the first episode on this week's podcast and you're also able to purchase last year's program at 50% – check out the links in the description:

Listen on Youtube
Listen on Spotify

Do you have a question for me for on the podcast?
It's really easy to submit yours!

Submit your question here

Happening in my business this week:

  1. Visited NYC, incredibly inspired by the art, architecture, people and culture;
  2. Went to Schenectady to start writing my first book;
  3. Going to Boston this weekend to explore the city.

Have a happy week!

All the best,


invest to harvest!

Big business

Do you want to take charge of your (freelance) business and be in control of your revenue, clients and your offer? 

You are in control of your business. 

I’ve created a form in which we can see if you are going to be a fit for one of my programs. Filling this out won’t mean you have to buy, this is just seeing if we can work together.

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