The infinite possibilities of a difficult topic…

Let's talk about money.

Most people are treating money like a difficult topic (superficial, it shouldn't be about the money, money is bad, etc) and they're blaming others that they find money important (to people without money, having money is important).

The money beliefs of people are saying a lot about their personal situation.

I strongly believe we should talk more about money, on a macro level, I believe it helps to stop inequality and it will help limit climate change. On a personal level, I believe it helps you grasp more of what is within your power to make the world a better place.

One of the ideas about money which really helped me personally is to have an abundant mindset about money.

The idea of money abundance is that money is limitless and never a zero sum game.

One of the misconceptions of having an abundant money mindset is that you should spend money to be abundant about money.

But the opposite is true.

In order to have an abundant mindset about money, you need to take care of your money first. Treating money well, will enable you to enjoy money.

In this newsletter I'm breaking down how you can take care of your money in 3 easy steps.

Money is never the goal, but it does enable you to reach your goals.

How to take care of your money in 3 steps.

  1. Start by creating a budget, whether you have a business or not, create a personal budget on what you want to spend, save and make money on & if you're running a business, also create a budget for your business (yes, even if you're a freelancer).
    Putting a budget down on paper will enable you to see what you're spending your money on and what you find important.
  2. When you've created a budget, create a habit to look at your money once a month; is it going as planned? Is there maybe some new investments you can make? Create a ritual around this by putting on your favorite music, lighting a candle, or if you have a family, let your kids see what you're doing, so that they learn to handle money at an early age. Do not forget to celebrate a little bit once you're done.
  3. One of the things that really helped me turn my mindset around was doing a gratitude exercise for all the money on the bank, the taxes I had to pay, the fact that I can do what I want in my business, the fact that I live in a beautiful home. 2 years ago, I was actually ungrateful with what I had and now I have such an abundant feeling that I do not desperately NEED money, but because I enjoy what I have, I can see so much more. A book that has really changed my perception of money is Abundance from Deepak Chopra. So take a moment everyday, or once a week, to think about and write down all the money-things you are grateful for. Hopefully it will help you make a very nice money shift, for you personally and for the world around you.

Currently, I'm creating an extra module for my Big Business Club members, I'm creating lessons about
– Money Mindset,
– Taking Care of Money and
– Money in the long term
this newsletter is a snippet of what the Big Business Club members are going to receive.

In this week's podcast

In this week's podcast, we're talking about the magic of Barbie and how you can apply all of the marketing techniques for FREE in your solopreneur business.
And as you can see in the image, I had to do it.
I'm sharing 5 tips which you can apply immediately, except for 1…
I've had loads of fun creating this episode, no worries, there's no movie spoilers.

I'm also answering a client question on how to exactly create all of that free content.

Listen on Youtube

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Do you have a question for me for on the podcast?
It's really easy to submit yours!

Submit your question here

Happening in my business this week:

  1. I've been onboarding new clients to the Big Business Mastermind and Big Business Club and one of them already did an upsell to one of her clients on the first day of the program.
  2. I've been batching quite some podcast episodes, have been wanting to do that for quite some time now and it is my goal to batch all of the 2023 episodes before the end of September.
  3. Today I'm starting to implement Kajabi, which is my system of choice for my website, course platform, emailing, etc. Do not worry, I will make sure everything will go as smooth as possible for you.
  4. I've received already 35 sign-ups for the free masterclass Art Profit and I did not do any marketing for it yet, so I'm applying tip 2 in the Barbie episode of the podcast ;-).

Thank you for reading and let me know how this money-encounter made you feel!

Have a great day!

All the best,


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Weekly business advice on my podcast on Spotify
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invest to harvest!

Big business

Do you want to take charge of your (freelance) business and be in control of your revenue, clients and your offer? 

You are in control of your business. 

I’ve created a form in which we can see if you are going to be a fit for one of my programs. Filling this out won’t mean you have to buy, this is just seeing if we can work together.

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