Be a slob to enhance your performance

First of all: Thank you for all the massive responses to my previous newsletter and I'm glad that it's inspired so many of my readers.
New to the newsletter? Read the previous issue here.

Today we're diving a little bit further in the same direction and we'll be talking about why being a slob (sloddervos in Dutch) can be great for you and your business.

Unlike Holly Golithly's cat of course!

Most people and that includes me, sometimes have symptoms of the ‘perfectionism'-virus, which spreads quite easily, thanks to the 21st Century and it's challenges.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Be a slob to enhance your performance

One of my private clients told me last Friday that she was feeling very motivated to finish her book, because she saw my workation updates on instagram & I am a pretty fast writer.

I'm writing this newsletter first thing on Monday and I've finished the outline of the book and written the first 2 chapters (it's gonna be 6 total) and some introduction remarks.

A chapter a day keeps my failure away ;-).

The reason WHY I'm able to do this is because of the fact that I'm running a business which is completely on my terms,
I have nobody to ask for permission, I know exactly what I want and I decide when something is ‘good enough‘.

I know this is much more difficult if and when you're working for a boss, but secretly, we're all putting perfectionism-rules on ourselves that do not serve us at all.

So I want to challenge you for the upcoming week to have a slob-week.

And I know it's hard, because it's almost summer and we believe everything has to be finished before the world (season) ends (need a reminder why? Read last week's newsletter).

So to have your perfect slob-week, here's a couple of reminders which you can either print out or write down and hang in your workspace, so that you're able to see this every day:

1. Do I have to finish this now?
2. What happens if I cut corners with this project?
3. What happens if I am not going to touch this for 4 weeks?
4. Do I have to cc everyone in this email?
5. What happens if I send this and it's not perfect?
6. Is there another way I can approach this which takes me less time?
7. Is there someone who can help me with this?
8. I am the best in my job and business and nobody is telling me otherwise
9. What if I deliver something for 80%, is anybody gonna notice?
10. What is the worst that could happen being a slob?

So be a slob this week, channel your inner Floddertje (or Scrumple in English), enjoy!

Floddertje, a book by Annie M.G. Schmidt

In this week's podcast

I am so exited for this week's podcast, because it's a golden oldie, but it's a goodie. I'm always being very inspired by Oprah's and Seth Godin's podcast and they sometimes too drop in an archived episode, so here it is, my most popular one so far:

Listen on Youtube
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Happening in my business this week:

I am having the time of my life in the US, I've been having so much fun with my husband, seeing my best friend for 2 weeks (wow!) and being so inspired by the arts and culture here.

& the book writing process has been a blast, it reminds me so much of being a child and looking for notebooks everywhere I was, so that I could write short stories.

Writing truly is something I love and I'm really glad I can do that every week for you (and you sending me some positive feedback just truly makes my week).

Next week I'll be back in the Netherlands, so I'm gonna enjoy my final weekend here (and our wedding anniversary!).

Enjoy your week being a slob!

All the best,


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invest to harvest!

Big business

Do you want to take charge of your (freelance) business and be in control of your revenue, clients and your offer? 

You are in control of your business. 

I’ve created a form in which we can see if you are going to be a fit for one of my programs. Filling this out won’t mean you have to buy, this is just seeing if we can work together.

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