#16: How to (re)create your offer without losing quality or clients
Offering quality to your clients and yourself as well? Why, yes you can! As you know I went from being an interim manager to growing into a business coach. As in any job I’ve ever done, quality comes first. But that doesn’t mean you can’t re-evaluate your offer or create a new offer from scratch. […]
#15. You want to sell like a pro? Then listen first!
Another week, another blog for you! Yet again, a very important topic: sales. Because without sales, there’s no business, my dear. And we want to survive and even thrive as a business, don’t we? So it’s crucial to sell with ease to your ideal clients. I’m happy to give you the 3 steps that will […]
#14. How to become the leader we all need in just 5 steps!
Michelle Obama once said ‘Lead by example with hope, never fear’ and I can’t agree more. Today we’re going to discuss leadership, a topic I’m very passionate about. How can you become the dream leader of your business and captain of the industry? Dear reader, let me be your guide… T E A M L […]
#13. 3 Rules For Prime Price Setting!
Yooooo, I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want… for you to set the right prices for your products or services! Do you think that’s difficult to do? Or is it even more challenging to communicate your prices towards your clients? Is the answer affirmative? Okay, you arrived at the right address, […]
#11. 3 political tactics to help you grow your business!
Politics and business have a lot in common. I know this because I’ve been an active politician for 6 years. I wanted to make a difference and really connect with people. And although I managed to successfully do so, my heart lies with you, my entrepreneurial friend. As I look back on my political career, […]
#10. 10 steps to successfully pivot your business!
PIVOOOOOOT! I know you can hear Ross yelling this well-known phrase in your head. And although his staircase endeavor wasn’t very successful, he was on to something. Pivoting is essential in life. Because let’s be honest: nothing ever goes as planned. Your business is no exception to that rule. I think the last couple of […]
#9. How to nail your mails: 3 tips for success!
Have you checked your mailing list lately? It’s simultaneously our biggest asset… and largest pain in the neck, right? Sending out the most fitting Emails at the right time can be the single best thing you can do for your business. It’s a perfect way to engage, share value and add some good money to […]
#8. Perfectionism Pact: How to beat it in just 3 steps!
Around this time last year, I hosted my housewarming party. Everything was perfect… Or was it? Suddenly I noticed the bookcase that was missing, the not so new couch and the lack of seamless color schemes everywhere. I always thought I was no perfectionist because my decisiveness was something everybody loved about me. Boy was […]
#7. Create your dream business successfully with these 6 pillars
Being a business owner is wonderful. You can create your own freedom, your own life. But… it costs a lot of time and energy to get to that point. And you know what? It’s totally fine to not be happy with where you are at the moment. Why? Because you can always change your direction. […]
#6. How to become Captain of Industry
Why is it that other business owners always get asked for certain projects? Why is that coach always fully booked? You know that feeling of jealousy? It’s not a bad thing, it just means you have competition and you should define your own success. How, you ask? Let me explain! You need a strong personal […]