#38 The 7 things we can still learn from… the Spice Girls

Melanie C – business lessons from the spice Girls Being obsessed with the Spice Girls at the age of 10 really had its perks… I gained confidence, started to see I could do whatever I want and learned I don’t need a man to make me happy. But as a 10-year old you have no […]
#037 The cold hard truth about creating your most-listened-to podcast and how to attract new clients

Treating your solo-business is more and more about creating a media company. And if you see it that way, you will attract clients. Work from a demand and attract from there is the way to go. My podcast helps me share my stories, personal and business, I can help people for free who aren’t ready […]
Here are the 36 things I wish I knew sooner..

If you’re not born into an entrepreneurial family, if you don’t have many friends who own a business and if you’re believing everything they tell you at school, then starting & running a business can be quite hard. Believe me I know ;-). So especially for those who are feeling a bit of a mismatch […]
#035 Need more clients? Steal my sales method!

So you know I pivoted my business from an interim manager to a business coach back in January 2022. I had saved up a lot of money, because I knew that I needed time and money to invest in my pivot. Also my word for this year is comfort: so I want to pivot, but […]
#031 5 steps to kill it your next launch

Why would you launch your offer? You can always run your programs evergreen, but launching will help you create more urgency and you’re actually helping your clients make a decision very soon. Some people say launches are draining, yes they are when you don’t have a plan. Follow my steps blindly and pop the champagne […]
#29 Create an offer no one can refuse – your product tree

Your most important asset in your business isn’t your mindset, isn’t the money on your bank account, but is your OFFER. There I said it, and I am always so surprised to not see any business coach mention this, but I do. Because your mindset can be great, your marketing can be great, your branding […]
#26 How to batch and repurpose your content for your summer holiday

Making content can be very time-consuming, but we can all agree you need it to attract new clients.
Are you getting up each morning, trying to find some time to scramble up a post, an email, a reel and not really sure what to post every day?
That’s no wonder, not everyday should be full of inspiration (hello day where I can do my admin) and you can really help yourself by starting to batch and repurpose your content.
#25 From solopreneur to soulpreneurship (CEO balance, role modelling and Amy’s latest project) with FastForwardAmy

Today I’m talking with Amy van de Putte, or Fast Forward Amy, 29 years old, lives in Belgium in a mansion with a swimming pool. She loves to work-out a lot and she turned from a fitness coach to an online business coach & owner of an online community called Alfa Women. She made one […]
#24 How to create a happier life? By taking radical responsibility

For the past two years. I’ve worked on radical responsibility, because I didn’t want to feel dependent on anyone anymore. And I am sharing my steps with you today – a bit nervous to share.
#23 Raise your game by working on your Money Mindset

This is the first blog on money mindset, and whilst I really like this topic, I can’t believe this is the first. Today I am sharing 3 steps to work on your money mindset. When I applied to my first course on money mindset I remember so many people telling me that working on my […]