#044 – 10 reasons Why the Coaching Industry isn’t Bad

One of my clients decided she wanted to turn her profession into becoming a coach in her profession. Currently in the soft launch of her coaching business, she’s helping  a few  people run their business with profits.  But she stumbled upon so many limiting beliefs that it took her 7 years to do this. What […]

#035 Need more clients? Steal my sales method!

So you know I pivoted my business from an interim manager to a business coach back in January 2022. I had saved up a lot of money, because I knew that I needed time and money to invest in my pivot.  Also my word for this year is comfort: so I want to pivot, but […]

#031 5 steps to kill it your next launch

Why would you launch your offer? You can always run your programs evergreen, but launching will help you create more urgency and you’re actually helping your clients make a decision very soon. Some people say launches are draining, yes they are when you don’t have a plan. Follow my steps blindly and pop the champagne […]

#29 Create an offer no one can refuse – your product tree

Your most important asset in your business isn’t your mindset, isn’t the money on your bank account, but is your OFFER.  There I said it, and I am always so surprised to not see any business coach mention this, but I do. Because your mindset can be great, your marketing can be great, your branding […]

#27 Melissa Lin on sales, mindset and pivoting your career

If you are thinking of pivoting (a part of) your career or business, this episode might be a true inspiration for you. Because no matter what job or business you have right now, you can always make it better for yourself (and your family). In my conversation with Melissa Lin, we’re talking about how she […]

#23 Raise your game by working on your Money Mindset

This is the first blog on money mindset, and whilst I really like this topic, I can’t believe this is the first. Today I am sharing 3 steps to work on your money mindset. When I applied to my first course on money mindset I remember so many people telling me that working on my […]

#22 How to discover and show up as your inner CEO

Let’s talk about visualising the life and business of your dreams, because I strongly believe that will make you reach your goals even faster.
There’s two ways we can do that:
1. Channeling your inner CEO & what micro-upgrades you can do to get closer to that picture.
2. And understand what is stopping you now to become that CEO?

#19. 5 steps to reach your ideal income in 2022

Sarah Big Business

“Money, money, money! Must be funny…” What do you think, shall we talk about money then? I am here to give you 5 steps that will help you reach your income goals of 2022. And that… with ease, my darling! It all starts with asking yourself the right questions.  Let me start off with a […]